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Love's Song Bouquet
Standard: 20 roses 15 carnationsPremium: 25 roses 25 carnations
Tulip Handtied Bouquet
Standard - 10 stemsDeluxe - 20 stemsPremium - 30 stems

Tulip Handtied Bouquet

$59.00 – $115.00
This vibrant hand-tied bouquet bursts with the joyful energy of springtime! Freshly cut tulips, meticulously arranged by our florists, create a stunning display of color and life. Tulips, with their...
La vie en rose
Standard - as shownPremium - add 6 stems
Kahala Kiss
1 dozen2 dozens3 dozens

Kahala Kiss

$89.00 – $189.00
A cascade of love unfolds in this hand-tied bouquet, featuring the stunning blush of Kahala roses. Their velvety petals, reminiscent of a Hawaiian sunset, promise endless affection and heartfelt emotions....
White Sympathy Spray
Standard: As showPremium: Add more roses and Phalaenopsis

White Sympathy Spray

$299.00 – $349.00
This white heart wreath is a beautiful and meaningful way to express your sympathy to the bereaved. The wreath is made with a variety of white flowers, including roses, lilies,...
Orchid Garden
Standard - 1 stemDeluxe - 2 stemsPremium - 3 stems

Orchid Garden

$89.00 – $159.00
Waterfall orchid planted into a ceramic vase with cute succulent and plants. A perfect gift for the hospital or new home! Send the best orchids from the best florist in...
Standard - 8 roses, 6 stocksDeluxe - add 4 roses, 4 stocksPremium - add 6 roses, 4 stocks and 3 cymbidiums


$79.00 – $125.00
A white flower arrangement is a classic and elegant choice for any occasion. White flowers symbolize purity, innocence, and peace. They are also a popular choice for weddings, funerals, and...
Sweet Harmony - Pink Arrangement with lilies
Deluxe - as shownPremium - add 6 stems (included cymbidium)
Lavender field

Lavender field

Flower arrangement in lavender and purple tone.